43 тысяч подписчиков
33 видео
Olympus DAO Explained & Valued
EOS Explained (and Criticized)
Crypto bro goes all-in on TurkeyChain [SKIT]
Ethereum Smart Contracts Explained
Solidity: Merkle Trees, BitMaps & Coding an Airdrop
Bitcoin's Declining Security: The Security Budget Problem
Lightning Network has Failed
Ethereum Scaling: The State Machine, Node Cost Target, Gas Limit & Layer-2
Ethereum: The Holographic World Computer [CLIP]
The Language Matrix: LLMs, Reality Manipulation, & Upgrading Language
Scaling 101: Solana's Big Risk, Parallel Execution (is overhyped), Gas Limits
EIP1559: The Ethereum Fee Burn Explained
Aquarean Illumination: Ethereum & the Infinite Information Machine
Ethereum Explained: Accounts, Private Keys, Hardware Wallets & Metamask
5 Reasons Cryptocurrency Adoption will be Fast
ELON MUSK'S plan: Enter the MATRIX & Save Mankind from AI DEMONS
Ethereum World Computer & Promethean Civilization of the Future
Ethereum Explained: Research, Spec, EVM, Clients, & Nodes
The Archetype of the Modern Memetic Magician
Ethereum Explained: The EVM