Meditation In Light Language For Activation, Ascension, Awakening

Опубликовано: 04 Февраль 2017
на канале: Divine Self Embodiment

This meditation video that I, SoulFullHeart Teacher/Facilitator Jelelle Awen, recorded offers light language that came through in the moment as I was recording it. I feel its tones and messages are one of recognition for the cries of the world and the tough transition that humanity is in to awaken and ascend. It feels like a message of hope and possibility and welcome to those of us who are way showers and light leaders. I feel the language of the Pleiadians in here and also the Arcturians, which I have both been connected with and integrating as aspects of my multidimensional self.

Light language invites us to go beyond the mind, beyond what we have been conditioned to feel as language, what we have learned as language in school. Light language or star language (as I've been offered by my star being selves to also call it) is multi-dimensional, non-linear, based on wave form energy transmissions. It forms in the higher dimensional throat chakra and is downloaded and transmitted from openings in our 12th chakra or stellar gateway. We pick up these downloads as we tune into them from within, as we connect with our galactic self more and more, as we feel how we are roots are from the stars.

Star language is heard, yet it also comes through in hand and body gestures and movements, and sometimes in written symbols. The written symbols are non-linear, often presented in circular form, and sometimes just 'appear' to float in the air. The sounds may be present without the gestures or the symbols without the sounds or vice versa. It seems to come through in the ways that will best land in the heart and soul.

Rather than trying to interpret light language in a literal way, it invites you to FEEL it and in the feeling of it to REMEMBER who you are and where you come from. It helps to lift the veil of amnesia that we placed on ourselves to come into the denser frequencies of Earth at this time. During this time of transition to higher consciousness or ascension, light language is one of the things that we are remembering and needing to remember to facilitate our processes individually and collectively.

As you listen to this recording, I invite you to allow light language to come you in response to it. It may happen spontaneously in response to the tones here that are coming through me. It may feel strange at first or you may feel as if you are 'just babbling.' Yet, you will feel it in your heart if you are accessing it and moving it through. You may have deep tears of reunion and a deep sense of 'returning home' as the waveforms offered by me or yourself trigger the frequencies of your star origins.

Whatever happens is what is meant to. If you would like to deepen your access and connection to allow light language to come out more fluidly or to access it, regularly chakra cleaning and activation is important, especially of the upper chakras.

Light language opens the heart and expands the soul. Held with love and curiosity and play, it is expression of the Divine coming through you and serves your remembrance of the Infinite Love that you ARE.

Note: Music in the video is by the Spiritual Moment You Tube Channel...much beautiful, healing, and frequency raising music on this channel!    • Video  

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