Future Thoughts Technologies
No.1 Software Training Institute, Hyderabad
in this session we are going to discuss about
how to practice Linux from your mobile ? (step by step explanation)
1.how to create a aws free account ?
2.how to login aws account ?
1.how to create Linux server from your mobile?
2.how to open Linux server from your mobile?
L3.how to practice Linux commands from your mobile?
will discuss very in-depth manner
by using your mobile we can create a Linux server
we can open Linux server
we can practice Linux commands on that server
step1: open your mobile
step2: open google chrome browser
step3: type aws free tier account creation
step4: create a your aws free account
step5: login aws account
step6: create a Linux server
step7: connect or open Linux server
step8: practice Linux commands
step9: close server
step10: log out from your aws account
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