What is Projects for Good?
So today we're going to talk about one of our clients because a company called projects for good.
So projects for good is a really interesting platform. They're a client of ours. We help with all kinds of different stuff on the backend for them. And basically what their company is all about is it's. Kind of a combination. It's a little it's like a crowd. Crowdfunding kind of platform that does a little bit more than like your typical Go Fund Me thing or something like that. They do. You can post projects on their website that you can get funding for similar to something like you'd find on a go fund me or something like that. But what makes them really different is it's actually a place where you can go and you can get work on those projects to be able to help and get paid for it. So you can go there to raise money for projects to make them happen and then you can also go there to find volunteer opportunities that actually pay. So we're going to be putting together a project that we're going to have the chat operators do here so that they're really familiar with how the whole process works where we're going to be doing a cleanup of our local area here in the Philippines. There's lots of trash. It's really sad. There's just a ton of litter everywhere and we're not going to have a hard time finding stuff to clean up. So it's something that we're gonna be working on in this next month or so and you'll be seeing more videos and things that are going to come out with it. But if you've never heard of projects for good I definitely would recommend checking them out. Put a link to the Web site down below. Projects for good dot com and we're looking forward to. Jumping in and getting our hands dirty literally on one of their projects to get this going. So we're gonna do kind of a local thing here a cleanup and the principle behind what they do is they try and make like modular projects. So the way that this cleanup is going to work here can be a similar sort of thing that can be deployed at any different location. So if you're interested in doing your own cleanup of a beach urban area wherever it is it's a great place to go to get funding and to be able to get the manpower all together in one place. So definitely recommend checking them out. We're looking forward to working with them on this it's going to be a fun thing to be a part of.
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