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Buket hijab simple
Installing Windows 98 on modern hardware - Special 2022!
Tutorial Constraint Layout - Kenapa harus Constraint?
a new version of youtube is available error - Problem fix Solution
Quinn QoP vs kiyotaka Puck Anime Battle
Cr1t on playing with Miracle- again
Miracle- gets Tipped by 9Pandas out of Respect for his manta micro into tp out
Miracle- Void Spirit Rampage vs Aster
Jabz DELETED 4 Heroes with AM Manavoid ft. Nisha's reaction
Gorgc SMASH while Malding at griefing Magnus not using spells & destroying cheese (Vase is safe tho)
"OMG YOUTUUUUBE!" -Arteezy & Mason reaction to 4-man CEEEEEEEEB moment
Arteezy on whether he talks with Miracle
Jenik teaches Gorgc a Super Advanced Trick for Void Spirit
"he Cancelled the TP!" -Gorgc did the SMASH after techies cancelled tp & his Buyback tp got glimpsed
JerAx on whether he'll be playing Dota 2 anytime soon
Quinn was Tipped by banned player SCL'Koma & it escalated into spicy all chat
Cr1t explains how to do the Spinning Trick
real Universe visits Arteezy's stream chat when the Artour was flaming Fake Universe (WR)
xQc gifted 100 subs to Arteezy's PMA community
"Zai you should just play Carry F*&K this why am I playing carry" -Team Liquid comms vs Tundra
Qojqva checks ANA's match history
'Best Team lineup in Dota History?' -Gorgc reacts to Tundra players' answers & gives his own take
'who is the GOAT of Dota 2?' -Gorgc reacts to Tundra players' answers & gives his own take
"OD Pixel better watch out for your job" -Quinn's intense Southern accent casting of TSM vs Nouns
Arteezy shows why he's the King of Manta Dodges
"Quinn is the most T*xic A**h0le ever" -Arteezy & Quinn reaction to BASED chatter comment
"I Hate Dota" -Qojqva watches Medusa get One-Shot DELETED by Axe
a Rare Courier Rampage achieved by Jenkins