32 тысяч подписчиков
4 тысяч видео
Gorgc breaks his beloved VASE during his malding session fueled by OneGuy in chat
a Rare Courier Rampage achieved by Jenkins
Grubby learns the Bottle Refill & item grab Tricks using Puck Orb
TOPSON made Quinn RAGE QUIT while owning 10,987 MMR pub game
Jenik teaches Gorgc a Super Advanced Trick for Void Spirit
TI Winners & Legends (Ceb, Faith_bian & Fear) Top Tier Analysis & Prediction for Grand Finals game 1
Grubby checks out Collector's Cache 2022 sets
Miracle dropping voicelines while juking Saberlight
Collapse 2X FOUNTAIN SKEWER on Sumail & N0tail! Team Spirit take Game 1 vs OG!
"Zai you should just play Carry F*&K this why am I playing carry" -Team Liquid comms vs Tundra
N0tail plays Meepo & he's not a fan of the new poof damage
collapse magnus experience for qojqva
Mason's thoughts on Ephey, Ramzes666 & Quinn
"this thing is F%ing my SilverEdge!" -Arteezy experiences Defiant Shell & SilverEdge interaction
Sanest SF player
Ammar's Totally INSANE catch on invisible Invoker with Mars spells
is Jerax the new Team Liquid coach?
League Pro Sneaky reaction to getting Deleted by Luna Ulti
Mira steals Aegis & Cheese from Quest & receives well deserved Tips & Allchat praises
Topson felt Despair after this
"the real issue isn't Miracle but the 3 doing nothing" -Qojqva checks Dyrachyo's BASED take on Nigma
"it's actually Insane" - Xcalibur on Yatoro's fast finger Morph
Topson has learned about the 'SEA GG END' strat
the Problem with NA Dota compared to other regions explained by Mason
Cr1t explains how to do the Spinning Trick
Gorgc checks out Arab Prince's battle pass levels
"TOPSAAAAAAAAN!" -Yatoro after Topson steals his farms
Dota 2 GOLD MINE ft. Dazzle Pirate Hat + Octarine + Aghs gave his team almost 15K gold each
Qojqva names the Best Carries in Dota 2 ft. zai & Fata
TOPSON explains to Slacks why he considers the Courier change to be one of the worst changes in Dota
When Abed Solo Killed CCnC || Dota 2 Flashbacks
Arteezy's thoughts on Sumail playing in China with Aster
!Attacker Kunkka with Insane Armlet Toggle!
Abed's reaction knowing that Bulba's gonna last pick Storm Spirit
ana on communication with RNG & coming out of retirement
Smurfing streamer gets Banned until 2038
Black^ is back to Immortal Rank from Ancient 4 after Valve fixed their stuff
Qojqva checks ANA's match history
Ceb on ana's in-game comms: "cricket sounds" 😂
ofc Abed knows this Storm trick, thanks Bulba
1v5 RAMPAGE by Monet gave OG a scare
Ramzes gets revenge on Quinn's allchat
Arteezy or Miracle? the Pros take their pick
"he Cancelled the TP!" -Gorgc did the SMASH after techies cancelled tp & his Buyback tp got glimpsed
'who is the GOAT of Dota 2?' -Gorgc reacts to Tundra players' answers & gives his own take
"I Love Smurfs" - Gorgc losing it again after encountering another smurf
Topson watches Miracle Sniper get a Quadruple RAMPAGE
Emperor Sumail 4-Man Blue Hole on signature Storm Spirit to end the game ft. fistbumps & handshakes
Sumail: Paparazi SF was the best I faced
5Head Manta Juke no Jutsu by Sing Mirana