STM32 USART Receive data Example using Keil Uvision 5 | STM32 Programming Tutorial #04

Опубликовано: 02 Май 2020
на канале: Abdul Rehman 2050

Here is full course link

STM32 USART Receive data without DMA and any other using of complex libraries like CubeMX or Standard Peripheral Library. We just implemented all the code from scratch. Although We had used the built-in Keil Uvision 5 Manage Runtime Environment for some startup and CIMSIS core. But That was all for just getting the startup code.
Doing this from scratch will help you to learn the STM32 Programming from ground up. You will learn the Register structure of STM32 and this will build your basics specially if you are coming from the background of 8051 and/or microchip programming world. Where you may be use too with register manipulation.
HAL for STM32 although helps a lot for improving the code but it also hide lot of basics from a beginner. So I always prefer and recommend any new learning to go from scratch to up. This will help you later in extending or optimizing the code. Also this will grip you in very bottom level.
In this example we received data from usart1 of the stm32f103c8 microcontroller from the bluepill board. After receiving data we transmitted back that data to the sender.

Note: If you want help in STM32 programming you can check out my Fiverr Gig Here

Here are the links for previous videos

Lecture#01 - STM32 GPIO Output
Lecture#02- How to debug code in Keil UVision 5
Lecture#03- STM32 USART TX basics