Options of Tkinter Menubutton linking to radio buttons & entry to configure state & textvariable

Опубликовано: 16 Ноябрь 2021
на канале: plus2net

01:18 Declaring Menubutton
02:25 Option font
04:50 Option Activebackground
05:12 Option Activeforebround
05:40 Option bg
05:50 Option fg
06:16 Option Anchor
06:46 Option width
07:30 Option direction
09:10 Option disableforeground
10:00 Option relief
10:40 Option underline
11:33 Managing Option state using radio buttons
17:58 Managing Option text using entry widget

Menubutton can be used to give various commands the user can execute. We can use the options of Menubutton to manage its look and control its functionality.

We can use three radio buttons to change the value of state option of Menubutton. On click of the radio button we can use config method to assign different values to state option.
By using textvariable option and connecting it to a string variable we can manage the text appearing on the Menubutton from one entry widget. User can update the value of the string variable and same will be reflected on the text of the Menubutton.


#Menubutton #tkinterMenubutton, #OptionMenubutton, #plus2net, #stateOption, #python, #tkinter