Hey everyone, this video was long, so that's part of the wait. We're adding just the simple AI of an NPC here, and will add very simple dialog next.
My Patreon! / taftcreates
Find me on Twitch! twitch.tv/mistertaftcreates
Magic bar and Powerup Sprites:
Bow and Arrow Sprites:
Ogre Sprite:
Door Sprite: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EdOM...
Project git link: https://github.com/mistertaftcreates/...
Bit script font link: https://opengameart.org/content/bitsc...
Ryan Hipple's talk:
• Unite Austin 2017 - Game Architecture...
Richard "Superpig" Fine's talk:
• Unite 2016 - Overthrowing the MonoBeh...
Modified Sprite: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jg_l...
Tiled: https://thorbjorn.itch.io/tiled
Tiled2Unity: http://www.seanba.com/tiled2unity
Art Assets: https://opengameart.org/content/zelda...
Unity: http://unity3d.com
About Me!
Twitter: / taftcreates
Discord: / discord
Github for all of my projects: https://github.com/mistertaftcreates/
Very Rough Project Schedule: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l...