I received many questions on Market Flipping in Albion Online 2023 over the past week. I decided to make this Market Flipping Beginner's Guide to show how I make Silver on a Fresh (one day old) character.
Buy - Buying someone else's Sell Order
Sell - Selling to someone else's Buy Order
Buy Order - Posting Silver to buy Item at X Qty and X Price
Sell Order - Posting Item to Sell at X Price and X Price
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Do People Sell Items At A Cheaper “Sell Price” to Fill Cheaper Buy Orders?
This is mainly a PvP game so when people Gank others or kill Mobs and loot them they spend most time doing that. They want to sell items quickly, get their silver and go back to PvPing. There are also people who find price differences and transport between major City markets. They can use just “Buy” & “Sell” and still make a decent profit without waiting for Orders to fill.
Why Do People Buy Items At More Expensive “Buy Price” rather than place Buy Orders to get cheaper Items?
Similar to the above, in that people want Items quickly whether it be to create an instant Gear loadOut for PvP or they want upgraded Gear/ Mounts/Potions ASAP. Also people who transport for instant profit will often use the Buy & Sell vs. the Buy Order or Sell Order.
Why Doesn't Everyone Do This?
You need to have a lot of Silver hung up in Buy Orders and there is also a Risk of Items not selling so your Silver would be hung up in non moving Items as well. It is also Boring/tedious for many people to find items to Flip and edit Buy & Sell Orders everyday. I find it enjoyable, but I believe more people have fun with Killing Mobs, PvP, Gathering, Crafting, etc.
What Are the Risks?
It's possible to lose a lot of Silver through Fees and even Market Crashes can inflate or deflate item prices quickly. This could cause massive losses in Silver if you are heavily invested in an item or type of Item. Albion Dev updates can quickly change the economy too, such as the recent update on Stone (apparently it will be more useful in the next patch).
What Items Should I Start With?
If you are just starting out I would practice with low tier mounts and consumables. These trade fast so you will have to edit your Buy/Sell Orders more often, but the Risk is minimal. As you get more comfortable you will be able to trade up and make more profit. Generally the more Risk the more Reward. That's Albion for you, even in the Market Flipping game!
If you have any other questions please comment below!
#albiononline #marketflipping #silver