python object serialization

Опубликовано: 29 Февраль 2024
на канале: AlgoGPT

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serialization is the process of converting an object into a format that can be easily stored or transmitted. in python, object serialization is commonly used for saving the state of an object, transferring data between processes, or storing data persistently. this tutorial will guide you through the basics of python object serialization using the pickle module.
the pickle module in python provides a way to serialize and deserialize python objects. it can handle a wide range of data types, including custom objects, and is simple to use.
let's start by serializing a simple python object, a dictionary:
in the example above:
now, let's deserialize the data back into a python object:
the pickle.load() function reads the serialized data from the file and reconstructs the original python object.
pickle can handle custom objects by implementing special methods in the class. these methods are _getstate_ and __setstate__.
in the example above, the person class defines _getstate_ and _setstate_ methods to control how the object is serialized and deserialized.
python object serialization using the pickle module is a powerful and convenient way to save and load python objects. it is important to note that pickle has some security concerns, especially when loading data from untrusted sources. always be cautious when dealing with serialized data, and consider using other serialization formats like json for external data exchange.

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