Leoben has created an elaborate recreation of Starbuck's old apartment, but with an added feature: a locked prison door.
From "Occupation" (Season 3, Episode 1): The Cylons have now been in control of New Caprica for over four months. Gaius Baltar is under their collective thumbs and essentially follows their orders. There is a resistance who set off bombs and do their best to disrupt Cylon activity.
Season 1 Clips: https://bit.ly/3wSTf7y
Season 2 Clips: https://bit.ly/3qnbCyU
Season 3 Clips: https://bit.ly/3davCPO
Season 4 Clips: https://bit.ly/3jhzm5Q
Action Sequences: https://bit.ly/3h50mCW
Space Battles: https://bit.ly/3zTN053
Best of Starbuck: https://bit.ly/3gX3zWB
Best of William Adama: https://bit.ly/2U0jMkD
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