80 тысяч подписчиков
569 видео
Roslin's Last Trip to 'Earth' | Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica | Apollo Becomes Commander of The Pegasus
Cylons Ambush Galactica - "What is that thing?!"| Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica | Pegasus' Sacrifice
Commander Adama and Tyrol Box Out Their Problems | Battlestar Galactica
Zarek's Prisoner Uprising That Changed Everything | Battlestar Galactica
Gaius Gets Caught Erasing His Face | Battlestar Galactica
Is Gaius ACTUALLY imagining Number Six? | Battlestar Galactica
"I Suggest You Keep Your Mouth Shut!" | Battlestar Galactica
Space battle or firework display?
First and Last Scene of Season 3 | Battlestar Galactica
Boomer Finds Water and Fights Her Inner Nature | Battlestar Galactica
Best of Admiral Adama | Battlestar Galactica
Gaius Forced at Gunpoint to Sign for Hundreds of Humans' Execution | Battlestar Galactica
"I'm DEAD, as in crash-landed burnt to a crisp, dead" | Battlestar Galactica
A Cylon Virus Has Been Activated | Battlestar Galactica
Is this the most ICONIC Cylon shootout?
Gaius Baltar and Number Six’s Most Intimate Moments | Battlestar Galactica
"Headshot, Reload, Headshot, Reload" - Cylons Attack Galactica | Battlestar Galactica
Starbuck destroys the olympic carrier
Best of Starbuck | Battlestar Galactica
That Time Gaius Accidentally Started a Cult | Battlestar Galactica
The very moment that Pegasus arrived
The Cylon Slaughter of Mankind | Battlestar Galactica
The hardest goodbye does indeed exist *welp*
The most chaotic BSG battle does indeed exist
Will There Finally Be Peace in the Galaxy? | Battlestar Galactica
Starbuck's Brutal Revenge on Leoben | Battlestar Galactica
Ultimate Cylon Battles | Battlestar Galactica
The ULTIMATE space battle crash
Gaius Baltar Takes Number Six's Direction | Battlestar Galactica
“Don’t Underestimate the Desire For A Clean Slate” | Battlestar Galactica
First and Last Scene of Season 4 | Battlestar Galactica
Two ICONIC Clips Back-to-Back | Battlestar Galactica
Starbuck Tortures A Cylon! | Battlestar Galactica
Gaius Baltar For Vice President | Battlestar Galactica
Starbuck Imprisoned with a Cylon | Battlestar Galactica
When you finally find earth
Most Iconic Cylon Moments | Battlestar Galactica
Why Gaius is Our Favorite Politician | Battlestar Galactica
Starbuck Attacks a Man to Escape Her Prison Cell | Battlestar Galactica
"Don't underestimate the desire for a clean slate"
“You Can’t Help Her Gaius, But You Could Probably Sleep With Her!” | Battlestar Galactica
"How Much Water Did We Lose?" | Battlestar Galactica
They finally managed to find earth!
The Cylons started it!
Yet another Cylon ship gets destroyed
"I love you" | Battlestar Galactica
First and Last Scene of Season 2 | Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica | Cylon Civil War Begins