Aba N Preach | Before They Were Famous | Defending The Culture Since 2015
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BEFORE they’d become one of the most controversial comedic duos on all of YouTube, the content creators known as Aba N’ Preach was born on April 30th, 1990 and February 18th, 1984 respectively. As the oldest of the two, Preach’s real name is Erich Étienne and he hails from Haitian stock. In point of fact, his parents immigrated to Canada from Haiti and then settled into Quebec to raise their son. All the while, they made sure to teach him to be proud of his Haitian culture and roots. But it wasn’t all fun and games for Erich growing up and as much as his parents wanted him to celebrate his heritage inside the safety of their own home when it came to assimilating with his new Canadian identity, they encouraged him to fit in as much as possible. So, rather than watching French-language programs such as “Watatatow” like the rest of the kids in his age group, Erich preferred to enjoy the comforts of American television series like “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” and “Hangin’ With Mr. Cooper”. Meanwhile, Aba Atlas was having his own origin story. With his family hailing from Ethiopia, before moving to Ottawa and then settling in Montreal, Aba was undergoing many of the same struggles Erich was, but in a different kind of way.
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