Hi today i wanted to just cut a couple of branches, but I had to do a bit of maintenance on pole pruner first. Ideally I would have cleaned it prior to putting it away last time. As you can see the saw was full of gunk and in need of clean. When sharpening the chain i noticed a stuck piece of chain - Otherwise I may have overlooked this. Cleaning chain with a bit of WD and a wire brush got me out of trouble , but if chain was worse I may have soaked it in solvent (petrol?) Always fill up the chain oil reservoir as these think tend to leak in storage. Also keep eye on chain tension. I use hard hat and eye protection everytime I use this machine. I would strongly advise not to use ladder (especially if you are wearing thongs ! ) My ladder has very wide base and I also try grab on to ladder as best as I can with legs. Fall protection harness advised. Happy gardening !