hi guys am back with another video, in today's video am gonna be using only 3 moves and an auto dodge in competitive, i hope you guys enjoy, make sure to like, sub and comment
and congratulation on the previous giveaway winners, if you guys want more giveaways be sure to sub and like
My New Discord Server : / discord
Tags : #burstcombo, #shindolife, #autododge, #roblox , roblox shindo life, roblox shindo life burst combo, roblox shindo life 2 moves, roblox shindo life combo, roblox shindo life anti autododgeable, combos, shindo, shindo combo, shindo lifes, competitive, shindo life competitive, roblox shindo life competitive, roblox shindo life tetsuo kaijin, shindo life tetsuo kaijin, roblox shindo life tetsuo kaijin competitive, shindo life tetsuo kaijin competitive, tetsuo kaijin competitive roblox shindo life gold sand shindo life gold sand
roblox shindo life gold sand combo shindo life gold sand combo shindo life burst combo instant roblox shindo life raiden saberu roblox shindo life raiden gold roblox shindo life raiden saberu competitive roblox shindo life raiden gold competitive shindo life raiden saberu shindo life raiden gold competitive raiden saberu competitive raiden gold competitive, roblox shindo life borumaki gaiden competitive, roblox shindo life moveset, roblox shindo life color, roblox shindo life color decides my moveset, roblox shindo life moveset, 3 moves only, moveset, shindo life
00:00 - Intro
00:14 - First Match
12:08 - Second Match
17:07 - Third Match
21:50 - Outro/Giveaway Winner