We can present the user file browser save as window where user can save the data to a file in local machine. For this we will import the filedialog module and use the asksaveasfilename and asksaveasfile functions.
We can specify the option initialdir to show the default directory to the user once the file dialog box is open. User can change this directory and browse to different location for selecting the file.
We can specify type of file extensions allowed to upload and those file types will be visible to the user inside the directory for selection.
We can specify the default file extension to be used while saving the file by the user using Save As dialog.
This is a widow title appears at top left of the save as window.
#asksaveasfilename() #asksaveasfile() #saveaswindow #filedialog #tkinterbrowsesavefile #filebrowser #savefilepath #tkinter #tkintertutorials #plus2net