Rescue Eight Newborn Puppies abandoned by heartless owner to die by the side of the dumpster
Subscribe For Angels DogRescue: • Rescue Eight Newborn Puppies abandone...
These abandoned puppies resuced by HEART HElping Animals Rescue Team:
"Two days ago, someone abandoned eight newborn puppies – just a few hours old. When a good Samaritan (Pauline) passed by the area, she discovered the hungry, helpless puppies. The HEART team was called to rescue the abandoned, helpless and very vulnerable eight puppies who were found in a cardboard box near a dumpster.
The puppies were bottled fed every 2-4 hours with a specially formulated and highly nutritious puppy milk before a surrogate mother dog was found two days after the rescue.
A special shout-out to our dedicated foster carer, Keisha Knytayya! Our foster carer, Keisha fostered the puppies temporarily, but it wouldn’t be an easy task.
Fortunately, we found Furly, a Maltese breed mamma dog, who lost her eight newborn puppies out of nine. Furly was so heartbroken, and she lost interest in life. Her litter of puppies was all she wanted. Furly started nursing the babies right away, and she is just beaming with happiness. The grief mother is smiling once again. Please help and prayers for puppies."
Please to help/donate:
HEART HElping Animals Rescue Team
Account no. Roslee Abbas
Email address: [email protected]
FB: / heartanimalrescuekk
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