Breakout Session by Julie Dangremond Stanton (Associate Professor of Cellular Biology, University of Georgia) and Birook Mekonnen (Health Services Officer, US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps).
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Digital Marketing Training - How to Become a Digital Marketing Expert
13 April 2022
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Blender 4.0: Your new best friend - The ALT KEY
Вновь открываются рейсы на ретро-поезде из Туапсе в Гагру
Trip To Japan #1 - HeyCrew Story
Strategies to Promote Linguistic Belonging in the Classroom (Video 4 of 4)
Deficit to Asset Discourse about Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom (Video 3 of 4)
How We Talk about Our Languages: Terminology (Video 2 of 4)
Why Focus on Language in the Classroom? (Video 1 of 4)
Inclusive Teaching Academy: Invitation from the Facilitators
How to Train Your Algorithm: Responsible AI in the Classroom
Leverage Community Cultural Wealth to Address Bias, Support Success of Marginalized Students
Recognizing the Community Cultural Wealth of Academically Successful Black Science Students
Campus Farms: Teaching STEM Through Food and Farming
Experiences That Promote College Readiness in Learners from Low-SES Areas
Collaborative Classrooms Student Perspectives on Getting Everyone Involved
Inclusive Design Thinking for Teaching and Learning