Let's create a simple 2d snake game using vanilla javascript step by step.
Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to play the game.
JavaScript can be used to make games using a variety of platforms and tools. Both 2d and 3d libraries can be used in combination with JavaScript to create fully-fledged games in the browser or external game engine platforms.
Free Online Tools:
1: Word Counter: http://tools.softcoder360.com/word-co...
2: Image Compressor: http://tools.softcoder360.com/image/c...
3: Image Converter: http://tools.softcoder360.com/image/c...
4: CSS Minifier or Compressor: http://tools.softcoder360.com/css/min...
5: CSS Beautifier: http://tools.softcoder360.com/css/beu...
6: Voice Text Converter: http://tools.softcoder360.com/speech/...
Social Link:
Facebook: / muhib116
Linkedin: / muhibbullah-ansary-830110147
Instagram: / muhibbullah611
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When you are using this track, we simply ask that you put this in your description:
Track: Unknown Brain - Faceless (ft. Marvin Divine & Bri Tolani) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/FCLS
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