We OPENED Paradox Rift Packs to Celebrate Mega Garchomp Raid Day and Got HITS

Опубликовано: 02 Февраль 2024
на канале: Brother Aik

Trainers, buckle up for a thrilling Pokemon TCG unboxing adventure! In today's video, we're celebrating Mega Garchomp Raid Day by cracking open some Paradox Rift packs, and the pulls are nothing short of extraordinary! Join us as we unveil the contents of these special packs and discover the hits that await.

As Mega Garchomp takes the spotlight in raids, we decided to commemorate the occasion with Paradox Rift packs, known for their exciting and unique card selections. From powerful Pokemon ex cards to stunning holos and rare trainers, each pack holds the potential for some incredible pulls.

Throughout the video, we'll share our genuine reactions to each hit.

Don't forget to hit that like button, subscribe to our channel, and ring the notification bell for more epic Pokemon TCG content. Join the conversation in the comments below and let us know if you participated in Mega Garchomp Raid Day and what amazing pulls you've experienced recently!

Thank you for being part of our Pokemon community. Now, let's revel in the joy of Mega Garchomp Raid Day and the incredible hits we pulled from the Paradox Rift packs. Get ready for some serious Pokemon TCG excitement!