What happens Next in this Ice Poker Gameplay Stream?

Опубликовано: 17 Февраль 2023
на канале: Capture Motion VR

In this week's Ice Poker Gameplay stream, Capture Motion is off to hot start when he lands pocket Jacks. He raises to $100 on the button looking for callers. Small blind just calls (not a strong play), Big Blind (BB) folds. But of course, (Sinfluence) calls.
Capture Motion gets a perfect Flop for Jiggeties given the preflop action. And then when Sinfluence bets $360 he knows he is good. So he raises to $760 even though he says all in on the video. And she calls! Queen comes off on the turn and concerns and slows down CaptureMotion to a check after he considers a raise. she checks behind showing weakness on the turn. An Ace shows up on the river and Sinfluence checks showing yet again weakness. So capture decides to bet 1/4 pot to try and get a call for a bit more chips or perhaps just get a week hand to fold. #icepoker decentral.games

Check out decentral.games to begin your Ice Poker challenge journey! You can use my referral link to to get access to their SNG tournament to win prizes and wearables to get in the big game here: https://sesamelabs.xyz/decentral-game...