Laravel Admin Panel Install and CRUD Walkthrough |

Опубликовано: 05 Октябрь 2020
на канале: iCoders Technology

Installation and quick start overview for this brilliant Laravel-admin Open Source project.

Build a fully functional management background in ten minutes.


1). Built-in user and permission system
2). model-grid Supports rapid construction of data tables
3). model-form Supports rapid construction of data forms
4). model-tree Support rapid construction of tree data
5). Built-in 40+ form element components and support for expansion components
6). Laravel Multiple model relationships supported
7). mysql, mongodb, pgsqlAnd other multi-database support
8). Support the introduction of third-party front-end libraries
9). Web implementation of database and artisan command line tool
10). Support custom chart
11). A variety of commonly used web components
12). Support local and oss ​​file upload

laravel-admin Based on the following components or services:
1). Laravel
2). AdminLTE
3). Datetimepicker
4). font-awesome
5). moment
6). Google map
7). Tencent map
8). bootstrap-fileinput
9). jquery-pjax
10). Nestable
11). toastr
12). X-editable
13). bootstrap-number-input
14). fontawesome-iconpicker

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