How to make Transparent Text Effect in photoshop | text effect photoshop.

Опубликовано: 20 Август 2023
на канале: Graphics Solution

How to make transparent text in Photoshop is a common technique that allows you to blend text seamlessly into images or other design elements. Here's a step-by-step guide to achieving this effect:

Open Your Image in Photoshop:
Start by opening the image you want to work with in Adobe Photoshop.

Create a New Text Layer:
In the Layers panel, click on the "T" icon or choose the "Type" tool from the toolbar. Click on the image to create a text insertion point and type your desired text.

Adjust Text Settings:
With the text layer selected in the Layers panel, you can adjust the font, size, color, and other text settings using the options in the Character panel.

Convert Text to a Smart Object (Optional but Recommended):
Right-click on the text layer in the Layers panel and select "Convert to Smart Object." This step is optional but recommended because it allows you to apply adjustments and transformations non-destructively.

Lower the Opacity:
With the text layer selected, you can adjust the opacity in the Layers panel. Lowering the opacity will make the text more transparent. You can experiment with different opacity levels until you achieve the desired effect.

Blending Options (Layer Styles):
Double-click on the text layer or right-click and choose "Blending Options." In the Layer Style dialog box that appears, adjust the "Blend If" sliders under the "This Layer" section. Dragging the white slider to the left will make the white parts of the text transparent, and dragging the black slider to the right will make the black parts transparent. This technique can help blend the text more naturally into the image.

Adjust Colors and Shadows (Optional):
Depending on the image and text color, you might want to make additional adjustments to colors, shadows, and highlights. You can do this through adjustments like Curves, Levels, Hue/Saturation, etc.

Add a Layer Mask (Optional):
If you want to control the transparency of specific parts of the text, you can add a layer mask to the text layer. Use the brush tool with a soft edge to paint on the layer mask to reveal or hide parts of the text.

Save Your Work:
Once you're satisfied with the transparent text effect, save your work in the desired format (e.g., JPEG, PNG) to preserve the transparency.

You will get from your order:

• Original and unique different concepts for your branding.
• Print and Web versions (CMYK & RGB).
• Full color and black&white variants.
• Vector files (Ai, PDF).
• Transparent background (PNG).

#photoshop #outlinetexteffect #texteffect #photoshoptutorial