Shea Butter Free Products

Опубликовано: 05 Сентябрь 2020
на канале: NJ Eberhart

Hello Beautiful People!

I know that many of you do not like shea butter for various reasons. So I went through my stash to find products that are shea butter free. Some of these products have no butters in them at all while some of these products include shea butter alternatives. I hope you all enjoy!

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XoXo Nisha

Follow me on Instagram @njeberhart
For business inquiries, please email me at [email protected]

NISHA15 to save on your Gemini Naturals Purchase
NISHA to save on your Uniqurl Purchase

My Hair Facts
Last Relaxer: May 2014
Transitioned for 14 months
Big Chop: July 2015
Hair Type: Type 4
Porosity: Low to Normal

#nosheabutter #sheabutterfree #naturalhair