In this GRE vocabulary video, we explore three words with their origins in Greek and Roman mythology. Learn the meaning, origins, and usage of the words Procrustean, Herculean, and Mercurial with example sentences and mythological storytelling. Also solve the bonus GRE Text Completion Practice Question.
Another video on words with Greek & Roman myth origins: • GRE Vocabulary | GRE Word List | 3 GR...
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00:35 Procrustean - Meaning, Usage, and Example Sentence
02:28 Herculean - Meaning, Usage, and Example Sentence
04:22 Mercurial - Meaning, Usage, and Example Sentence
06:26 Practice Question: Text Completion
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About Wizako: Wizako is an IIM alumni venture that offers GRE and GMAT online live classes and pre recorded online GRE courses. Tutors include IIM alumnus and US Top 15 business school alumna. The Online GRE course is comprehensive and helps you score high in the GRE General Test.
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