Since the beginning of the year, the Ukrainian Red Cross team, with support from the Canadian Red Cross, has been conducting a series of sessions in Lviv to improve the standards and quality of nursing staff as part of the "Building Nursing Capacity" project at the premises of the First Lviv Territorial Medical Union.
Training sessions have been held to improve theoretical and practical skills. Participants have had the opportunity to learn from the world's best patient care practices and practise the skills they need to use in their daily work. The training takes place in a simulation centre, which allows skills to be practised in a safe and controlled environment as many times as necessary until the expected result is achieved. This approach helps prepare professionals for situations they may encounter in real clinical practice.
In general, the training programme includes the following topics, which have been developed specifically for this project, namely:
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC);
Injectable drugs and therapy for nurses;
Caring for bedridden patients;
Nursing skills;
Facilitation of elimination.
It is worth noting that Canadian Red Cross delegates Faiza Rab and Lynn Henderson selected and developed the training topics based on a needs assessment in coordination with the First Lviv Medical Unit.
Thanks to this training approach, medical staff can enhance their qualifications and skills within a short period, enabling them to deliver quality care without the need to spend years on retraining.