Boya Microphone Bm3032 | myTechchannel100

Опубликовано: 20 Август 2021
на канале: myTechchannel100

In this Video we learn about Boya Microphone, how to configure it and how to connect with Android & Iphone also which jack converter to use for connection with out expanding lot of money.

Chapters: click the links below to go directly to the Topic.

00:00 Introduction
04:37 Unboxing Boya BM3032 Microphone.
07:48 Verifying the Product Legit or Fake
10:53 Configuration of Boya Microphone
18:10 Discussion on Jack adopter & TRS to TTRS converter
22:07 How to verify the connectivity of External Mic to Mobile phone
24:51 How to connect Microphone to Android & Iphone

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