Stage 7 Boss: Neo X
The battle between Axel and Mr. X shall begin, an other classic brawl for this amazing series...or not quite. Mr. X apparently put his brain in a jar to control some weird spinning robot. Of course, I think a joystick would have done good enough, but I digress. I don't like this boss at all and I think it was a horrible thing to do to someone as awesome as Mr. X. Neo X is rather annoying, he flies around shooting missles and has some very powerful melee attacks. But as you can see, it would appear he can be trapped in a loop of sorts, which will cause him to endlessly attempt to do an aerial dash strike, which can be easily jump kicked. Of course, he may break out of the loop, but chances are you will get a lot of hits with it before that happens.
This was played on "Very Hard" mode.