Agenda: H.F. 1937 (Mitchell) Omnibus military affairs and department of veteran affairs appropriations. H.F. 1830 (Murphy) Omnibus state government appropriations. H.F. 2310 (Hawj) Omnibus environment and climate appropriations.
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Day 233 AWS RDS Monitoring || Performance Insights Vs Enhanced Monitoring Vs CloudWatch || Hindi
Day 234 AWS RDS || DB Parameter Group & Option Group || AWS Tutorial || Hindi
Mathematics Optional for UPSC CSE: Solutions of Homogeneous Equations | UPSC Optionals StudyIQ
АЛИСА: BECOME HUMAN ► Алиса от Яндекса
First snow in Atyrau city 2023 | Первый снег в городе Атырау 2023
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Committee on Rules and Administration - Subcommittee on Ethical Conduct - 11/19/24
Unearthing History: Archaeologists explore the capitol grounds
Press Conference: Celebrating the Inaugural Juneteenth Holiday - 06/15/23
Bill Legalizing Recreational Use of Cannabis Signed into Law - 05/30/23
Media Availability: Governor Tim Walz, DFL Leaders Discuss the State's New Budget - 05/24/23
Governor Walz, DFL Leaders Hold One Minnesota Budget Signing Ceremony - 05/24/23
Senate Floor Session - Part 3 - 05/22/23
Press Conference: Previewing the Nurse and Patient Safety Act - 05/22/23
Senate Floor Session - Part 2 - 05/21/23
Media Availability: Governor Walz on End of 2023 Session - 05/21/23
Senate Floor Session - Part 3 - 05/19/23
Senate Floor Session - Part 1 - 05/19/23
Senate Floor Session - Part 2 - 05/19/23
Senate Floor Session - Part 3 - 05/18/23
Senate Floor Session - Part 2 - 05/18/23
Senate Floor Session - 05/18/23
Senate Floor Session - Part 3 - 05/16/23
Senate Floor Session - Part 2 - 05/16/23
Conference Committee on HF 100 - Authorizing adult-use cannabis - 05/15/23
Conference Committee on SF 2934 - Omnibus Human Services Appropriations - 05/15/23
Senate Floor Session - Part 2 - 05/15/23
Senate Floor Session - Part 2 - 05/12/23
Conference Committee on HF 2310 - Omnibus Environment, Climate and Energy - 05/12/23