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6.10 expert systems
6.13 computers in the retail industry
6.14 recognition systems
6.15 Monitoring and tracking systems
6.16 Satellite systems
Ø Identify a range of applications which use expert systems
Ø Identify the components of an expert system
Ø Describe how an expert system is used to suggest diagnoses
Ø Describe the use of point of sale (POS) terminals, how the stock file is updated automatically, and how new stock can be ordered automatically
Ø Describe the use of electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) terminals
Ø Describe internet shopping
Ø Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping
Ø Describe how recognition systems work
Ø Describe how number plate recognition systems work
Ø Describe the processing of cheques
Ø Describe the processing of OMR media
Ø Describe how RFID is used in a range of applications
Ø Describe how a workforce or member of the public can be monitored or logged
Ø Describe how the use of cookies can be used to monitor a person’s internet activity
Ø Describe the use of key-logging
Ø Describe how worker/employee call monitors can be used
Ø Describe the use of automatic number plate recognition
Ø Describe the use of different satellite systems
6.10 expert systems
These systems are used to improve the simulation of expertise and knowledge in a particular field.