8 Minute Ab Workout | Get Your Body Competition Ready

Опубликовано: 25 Апрель 2020
на канале: Crystal Clues

Nothing screams, "I'm in phenomenal shape" like having a visible 6-pack.

I did these 8 minute abs daily before any swimsuit competition. I start doing them every day at least 1 month before the pageant and the week before the pageant I up it to twice a day while also cutting back on sugar.

When done in conjunction with a healthy, lower calorie diet and cardio exercise, this workout will slim your waist and give you abs that will make someone want to play tic tac toe on your torso.

Even if you don't have a swimsuit competition, this work out will help you look better in clothes, improve your posture, and become beach-bod ready.

Just as a heads up though, if your body fat isn't already low, doing these exercises alone will not get you a 6-pack. A majority of people who don't see results have a layer of fat on their stomachs which have to be targeted with a diet change. Doing a million sit-ups isn't going to spot-remove fat. In fact, unfortunately nothing can spot remove fat :( If you're doing consistent ab workouts but your washboard just isn't showing up, chances are your 6-pack is there except it's just covered and hiding underneath. Once you lose the weight, the abs will pop out, I PROMISE.