➤In an alternate Beyblade universe, Gingka Hagane and Ryo Hagane preside over Koma Village. They possess Dark Pegasus 100 RF, a unique Bey that can absorb the power of other Bladers’ spirits without requiring physical contact. On the side of justice, Ryuga and Doji battle against formidable challenges. They journey to an active volcano, the resting place of L-Drago. This is the only Bey with enough power to counteract Pegasus.
This is part of the Quickie Series; short time lapse videos that exist simply to get interesting, thought-provoking, or crackhead drawing ideas out of my head. They might include a small basis of lore, but mostly will just be accompanied by music. Hope you enjoy.
●The Changers: https://www.thechangers-tas.com/
●Twitter: / noximation
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●TikTok: noxi.mation
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Changers Break!
#beyblade #ryuga #gingka
noximation,artnoxi,animation,speed art,speed draw,timelapse,anime timelapse,cartoon timelapse,redesign,animated series,animated series development,action cartoons,superhero cartoons,redesign series,is ryuga dead,new beyblade series,beyblade metal saga characters as adults,beyblade metal,beyblade was insane,beyblade pegasus,gingka vs ryuga,evil gingka,gingka dark power,dark pegasus beyblade,l-drago assault beyblade,ryuga good guy