ssdlite mobilenet v2 with opencv on raspberry pi 3 b+| Raspberry Pi Object detection with SSD Lite

Опубликовано: 18 Апрель 2020
на канале: Abdul Rehman 2050

Here I tried SSD lite mobilenet v2 pretrained Tensorflow model on the raspberry Pi 3 b+. The results was quite surprising. Although the accuracy was not that great but was quite impressive. It took few miliseconds to process a single frame on my laptop but take 1.5 seconds to process a single frame on raspberry Pi 3 b+. There are other availalbe options where users tried Yolo and SSD or Faster-RNN as well. But it was good to try out SSDLite on Raspberry Pi 3. Which is quite a limited resources. before that people were only using Raspberry Pi 4 with more RAM. So I was curious to know how it performs on Raspbery Pi 3 B+. So if it runs on Pi 3 with that level frame rate. It will definitely perform better on Pi 4. Why not you try and leave a comment how you feel about it?