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This video covers 10+ rookie drone mistakes that only beginners should make! I offer tips for mitigating the rookie mistakes as well as noting all of what they are in the first place. Enjoy!
00:00 - Intro
00:45 - #1: Powering On Drone & Controller In Wrong Order
01:40 - #2: Flying Too High
02:58 - #3: Flying Outside of VLOS
03:40 - #4: Not Knowing How To Read Drone Compass
05:16 - #5: Forgetting To Set RTH Height
07:02 - Skillshare
08:30 - #6: Updating Firmware In The Wrong Locations
09:14 - #7: Using Screen To Move Gimbal Instead Of Gimbal Wheel
10:32 - #8: Gimbal Speed Set Too Fast
12:50 - #9: Moving Camera Without Intent
14:15 - #10: Leaving Camera Settings In Default State
15:27 - BONUS 1: Wrong SD Card Type
16:36 - BONUS 2: Ignoring In-App Warnings
17:46 - BONUS 3: Bring Along More Than 1 Battery
19:04 - Final Words
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FTC: This video was sponsored by Skillshare.
FAA: Carson Miller is a Certified FAA Part 107 holder. Flight in this video complies with the rules set forth by the FAA for sUAS flights within the United States.
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#DroneRookieMistakes #DJIDrones #CrazyDronePeople