STM32 FreeRTOS LED Blink Example | FreeRTOS STM32 Blink Example

Опубликовано: 21 Сентябрь 2022
на канале: Abdul Rehman 2050

The Need of STM32 FreeRTOS LED blink example is as important as any hello world program in any other programming language. This FreeROTS STM32 Blink example will take you through the process of creating the basic LED blinking project in STM32CubeIDE and creating a project for STM32F4 Discovery board with the use of FreeRTOS. We also explain how to set FreeRTOS in STM32 Cube Mx using the STM32 HAL libraries.
In this FreeRTOS on STM32CubeIDE tutorial we created basic RTOS code using FreeRTOS and Created our first LED Blinking Code for Blinking the on Board LEDs of STM32F4 Discovery Board with different intervals.
We explained how to create a Task in the FreeRTOS using CubeMX / STM32CubeIDE. We also explained how we can create the Task using only Coding. We demonstrated the working code on the STM32F4 Discovery board.

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