Apply Dot Product to Find a Vector orthogonal to two vectors

Опубликовано: 07 Декабрь 2019
на канале: Anil Kumar

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   / @mathematicstutor  
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Coplanar vectors problems can be solved using two different strategies as shown in the video. Consider linear combination of scalar triple product of vectors.
#MCV4U_Vectors #linearlydependent #linearcombination #scalartripleproduct #coplanar #coplanarvectors #globalmathinstitute #vectorprojection #scalarprojection #vectors_MCV4U #Vectors_IB #GCSEvector
Q9. Find a vector that is orthogonal to both u = (2, 3, 1) and v = (4, 5, -2).

Q10. Find a unit vector that is orthogonal to both u = 3i – 4j +k and v = (2, 3, -4). #GCSE #SAT #EQAO #IBSLmath