Hey guys! This is a 1-100 tutorial for installing PiHole on a Raspberry Pi Zero W. To do this we will first need to install the Raspbian OS on the Raspberry Pi. We will be doing a headless installation of Raspbian Bullseye. After this we will ssh into the device, install PiHole, assign a DHCP reservation to our PiHole on our home network, point our home router to piHole for DNS server, and add whitelists to PiHole!
What you Need for this Project:
Raspberry Pi
Micro-USB to USB-A Adapter (Optional)
Single dongle Bluetooth Mouse/Keyboard Combo (Optional)
HDMI to MINI HDMI Adapter (Optional)
Micro USB Power Supply
MicroSD Card to USB Adapter
Buy Raspberry Pi
Raspbian OS https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/
WPA_Supplicant https://www.raspberrypi.com/documenta...
SSH Documentation https://www.raspberrypi.com/documenta...
DHCP Reservation https://support.google.com/googlenest...
PiHole https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole/#o...
Whitelists https://github.com/anudeepND/whitelis...
00:00 Fancy Intro
00:47 What You Need
02:33 Install Raspbian OS
04:55 Headless Connection to WiFi
07:00 Setting up SSH
10:32 SSH into Pi
11:31 DHCP Reservation
13:01 Install PiHole
15:51 How it works
17:30 Logging in
18:10 Adding Whitelists (Optional)
19:14 Deploying to Network (Mandatory)