UPDATED Pokemon Fan Game With GEN 1-9, EXP All, Custom MEGAS, Dexnav, NO Grinding & NUZLOCKE Mode!
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**Cover Details**
Author's Name ➔ phantombass
Name ➔ Pokemon Grueling Gold
**Change Log v2.8.16**
➔Engine switching logic has been fine tuned
➔fixes Engine One not working at all
➔fixes Engine's damage calc of new abilities and Gen 9 abilities
➔fixes Engine crash trying to calc Vocal Fry buffs
➔fixes many Engine interactions in general, including how it handles being Tormented, Encored and Disabled.
➔fixes Setup Move tutor in Blackthorn City.
➔attempts to fix the randomizer randomly crashing
➔fixes type gems processing on the wrong move
➔fixes Red Gyarados boss being able to be caught
➔fixes Kris and other followers staying with you if your defeated
➔major fixes and updates to the engine regarding move choices!
➔mega evolution, including some custom megas
➔updated base stats and movesets for normally underused Pokemon
➔competitively challenging boss battles, gym leaders and rivals
➔added story elements to combine the nostalgia with a fresh take
➔custom moves and abilities to give a more interesting competitive battling scene
➔2 difficulty levels
➔an option to removing grinding and EVs
➔a nuzlocke option
➔A Dexnav that works with day and night cycle.
➔a completely reworked and custom AI to optimize the battle experience and make the game actually difficult
➔Pokémon from gens 1-9 (no DLC mons until Kanto is released)
a fully working randomizer that can randomize encounters, static and gift mons, trainer teams, level up moves, abilities and base stats
➔Expert mode now plays a good bit differently from normal mode!
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***Official Source: ???
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**Copyright Disclaimer**
The provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, teaching, scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. This video respected that because it's actually from my own experience of the game to share it but also I want people advice, criticism, comment about improving my content but also what they love about these and which one is the best from their own opinions. So now I hope you understand! Don't claim my video without reading the law of fair use! Please Support the official franchise!
**Artwork Credits**
➔Background Layout Pictures Were Designed By Artist Ishmam.
**Song Credits**
Track: Todd Helder - Never Stop [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: • Todd Helder - Never Stop | Electronic...
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/NeverStop