Facelift surgery is truly transformative when performed to rejuvenate the face and eyelids in a powerful yet natural manner using a deep layer #liftandfillfacelift in which rejuvenates and lifts the outer face in a deep layer and centrally restores the fat loss with selective deep and superficial fat grafting using carefully curated fat grafting! She looks absolutely amazing at six months and you can see, feel and hear her excitement with her new beautiful face!💯
Face rejuvenation requires an artful and skillful surgeon that can accurately analyze and restore a youthful face that is long lasting!
#makingyouabetteryou #knowbeforeyougo #cosmeticsurgery #drrodrohrich #facebyrohrich #faceliftspecialist #boardcertifiedplasticsurgeon #facelifts #dallas #dallasfacelift