428 тысяч подписчиков
901 видео
Hash tables are brilliant and simple
Spin up Redis on Docker and learn basic commands
How Man-In-The-Middle Attacks Works
Google Patches Linux kernel with 40% TCP performance
Synchronous and asynchronous workloads are everywhere
Opening Old Wounds - Why Uber Engineering Switched from Postgres to MySQL
Spin up a Postgres Instance & PGADMIN with Docker
Carnegie Mellon University Advanced Database Course Is a GREAT resource for Backend Engineers!
Javascript and Mongodb Tutorial with Mongodb NodeJS Driver
Distributed Transactions are Hard (How Two-Phase Commit works)
Understanding Aggregate Functions Performance | The Backend Engineering Show
WebTransport is a Game Changer Protocol
What are web servers and how do they work (with examples httpd and nodejs)
Spinning MySQL Database with Docker
How Discord Stores Trillions of Messages | Deep Dive
Demystifying the Browser Networking Tab in Developer Tools With Examples
Envoy Proxy Fixes Two Zero Day vulnerabilities (UDP Proxy, TCP Proxy) - CVE-2020-35470
Is gRPC Web Native?
Following an HTTP GET / through Switches, Routers, Gateways, and Proxies (Detailed Examples)
All Postgres Locks Explained | A Deep Dive
Is this the end of WebSockets? - The New WebTransport Protocol
Turn your laptop into a Web Server to serve static files in minutes with Node Js and Http-server
RFC 6455 - The WebSocket Protocol
Career Path Advice - Moving from a Network Engineer to a Backend Engineer
Asynchronous vs Multithreading and Multiprocessing Programming (The Main Difference)
Building TCP & UDP Servers with Node JS
Table Clustering in MySQL and Postgres - The pros and cons
Reverse Engineering Instagram feed
Fetch API, XMLHTTPRequest replacement
Connection Pooling in PostgresSQL with NodeJS (Performance Numbers)
How TikTok short content is delivered through HTTP - Devtooling TikTok
The OSI Model - Explained by Example
Spinning MongoDB, MongoShell and Mongo GUI with Docker
Run Postgres, MySQL and MongoDB in under 60 seconds with docker
REST API Pros and Cons (Explained by Example)
Load Balance multiple RTMP Servers to Horizontally Scale Streaming (Node Media Server and HAProxy)
Consistent Hashing | The Backend Engineering Show
Pinterest moves to HTTP/3
Show your Backend Engineering Skills To Recruiters - Building a Full Backend Portfolio
Proxy vs. Reverse Proxy (Explained by Example)
Frontend and Backends Timeouts
B-tree vs B+ tree in Database Systems
Application Deployment Explained (From standalone EXE to Containers)
All Types of Database Replication Discussed
HAProxy Crash Course (TLS 1.3, HTTPS, HTTP/2 and more)
Memcached brilliant solution to fragmentation
How Linus Tech Tips got hacked
The Cloudflare mTLS vulnerability - A Deep Dive Analysis
MIME and Media Type sniffing explained and the type of attacks it leads to
304 Not Modified HTTP Status (Explained with Code Example and Pros & Cons)
MariaDB vs MySQL SSD NVMe vs SATA Performance - Discussions on the Percona Benchmark