34 тысяч подписчиков
105 видео
New project #1
Ordering Zombie Verter VCU #2
I Bought the Cheapest Tesla on eBay - What Happens Next? #3
Building DIY VCU for electric car #4
The Tesla motor has arrived, what's next? #5
I messed up, what next ...? #6
Building Open Inverter Tesla board - more problems...? #7
Tesla board build - Will I succeed this time ? #8
Will this board work...? #9
Tesla Model S front motor, will it spin? #10
My project has gone sideways #11
ZombieVerter VCU Repair
Tesla Open Inverter board ESP32 programming tutorial
Will ONE Gemini battery will be a game changer for EVs
I made my own Tesla Open Inverter Board