3 тысяч подписчиков
58 видео
Local GCP Python project with PyEnv, Pipenv and IntelliJ IDEA
Execute BigQuery Python client with ADC Keyless and IntelliJ
ELT batch pipeline with Cloud Storage, BigQuery and Composer/Airflow
CI CD on Github Actions enabling Keyless Authentication and Workload Identity
Event Driven and Serverless Architecture with Workflows on Google Cloud
Event Driven and Serverless archi for Google Cloud Next
CI CD dans Github Actions en mode Keyless Authentication et Workload Identity
Spark Scala job with Dataproc Serverless
ELT avec DBT dans Cloud Run Job
Create BigQuery Datasets and Tables with Pulumi Python in an elegant and scalable way
Architecture Event Driven et Serverless avec Workflows dans Google Cloud
Serverless ETL with GCS, Dataflow, BigQuery and Cloud Workflows
BigTesty: Integration Testing library for BigQuery
Keyless Authentication : use Application Default Credential from the local machine
Apache Beam Python job with Dataflow runner
ETL Batch pipeline with Cloud Storage, Cloud Run and BigQuery orchestrated by Airflow/Cloud Composer
Gestion d'erreurs avec le client Python BigQuery
Error handling with BigQuery Python client
Error handling and monitoring with Airflow and Cloud Composer
Exécuter un client Python BigQuery avec ADC/Keyless et IntelliJ
Talk Event Driven and Serverless Google Cloud Next
Spark Scala job avec Dataproc Serverless
CI CD avec Dataflow dans Google Cloud
BigTesty : librairie de Tests d'Integration pour BigQuery
Serverless ELT with GCS, BigQuery and Cloud Workflows
Cloud Run job avec un module Python
Créer des Datasets et Tables BigQuery avec Pulumi Python de façon élégante et évolutive
CI CD with Dataflow on Google Cloud
ELT with DBT on Cloud Run Job
Serverless ELT avec GCS, BigQuery et Cloud Workflows
ETL Batch pipeline avec Cloud Storage, Scala Dataproc Serverless, BigQuery orchestré par Airflow
Cloud Run job with a Python module
Gestion d'erreurs et monitoring avec Airflow et Cloud Composer
Serverless ETL avec GCS, Dataflow, BigQuery et Cloud Workflows
Event Driven Cloud Function : Deployment with Terraform and Cloud Build
Cloud Run Service with a Python module, FastApi and Uvicorn
Terraform with Workspaces on Google Cloud
Apache Beam Java job with Dataflow runner
ELT with Dataform on Google Cloud
ELT batch pipeline avec Cloud Storage, BigQuery et Composer/Airflow
Least Privilege : Create Service Accounts with Custom Roles - Terraform, Terragrunt and Cloud Build