How to Paint Partial StuG Interiors - PRE-WAR and EARLY-WAR

Опубликовано: 03 Октябрь 2020
на канале: Panzermeister36

Hello. Today we look at painting interiors for very early war German vehicles. For anything mid- and late-war, the process is the same...just all the bits I painted blue-green should be left as red oxide primer. The line between the lower red oxide/blue-green and upper ivory colours also changes around; sometimes only the floor is red. Reference photos will help you infinitely here as I still don't know exactly how the transition line placement works.

Scale Studio's StuG interior video:
   • Painting My Stug III's Interior! | In...  

David Parker's Pz IV interior:
  / 920071714702418  

David Byrden's great website for some interior colour reference:


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DISCLAIMER: I am not paid to promote any specific products or brands; I just use the products I find work best for me through my experiences. There is no reason for me to promote a bad product, as then I would not enjoy using it, not like the result on my model, and not be proud of publicizing it in a video. There's also no point in me doing this to keep up relations with a company if the only benefit would be getting more of the same products that I didn't like. I have not used every product out there, but from what I have used, I keep using the products I like, and that's why I use them in my videos. You can use whatever other products you would like to and you can feel that they are better - that is your opinion, and is perfectly fine by me, thus I hope that feeling is reciprocated.