TOP 10 NEW SURVIVAL Games | Base Building - Crafting Games
Hello friends, in this section, I have compiled new survival base building games for those who love survival games. You can play the games on PS5, PS4, PC, XB1, Xbox X/S and NS platforms. You can find the details in the video or in the description section below. Here are the 10 Best Survival Base Building Games...
Game list:
00:01 intro
00:09 Under a Rock
01:10 Blind Descent
02:21 Derelicts
03:38 Rooted
04:33 Enshrouded
05:38 The Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria
06:17 Forever Skies
07:18 Nightingale
08:24 Outbreak Island
09:00 Smalland
09:45 Sons of the Forest
10:36 ARK 2
NOTE: the order of the games is random #top #bestgames #survivalgames