➡️ LEARN MORE: This video lesson was taken from our Radiography Image Production
course. Use this link to view course details and additional lessons. https://cloverlearning.com/courses/ra...
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➡️ LESSON DESCRIPTION: This lesson’s objectives are to define wavelength, frequency, polyenergetic, beam quality and beam quantity. This lesson also briefly describes the composition of an x-ray beam and describes an x-ray photon. This lesson also describes the relationship between wavelength and frequency as well as a graph of a typical x-ray beam energy spectrum. Lesson Objectives: *Briefly describe the composition of an x-ray beam *Describe an x-ray photon *Define wavelength *Define frequency *Describe the relationship between wavelength and frequency *Define polyenergetic *Define beam quality *Define beam quantity *Describe a graph of a typical x-ray beam energy spectrum
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