What are the Structured Cabling System Components? The majority of projects all consist of a similar set of structured cabling system components. There are 6 areas that are generally found in every data and telephone cabling installation.
The Basic components of Structured Cabling
6 Structured Cabling System Components
-Incoming Services or Entrance Facility
-Main Communications or Equipment Room
-Separate Sub Cabinets or Telecommunication Rooms
-Backbone Cabling linking them together
-The general work areas
-Horizontal data cabling serving the work areas
The Incoming Services or Entrance Facility
This area is where the incoming services enter the building and create a demarcation point. This can be for both data and telephone cabling. For example a BT distribution point or a blown fibre housing box.
The Main Communications or Equipment Room
In short the communications room is where all the hardware and control technology are house for a client. Likewise this is generally the same for multi floors or single floor use. The incoming active broadband router, firewall, servers storage and main hardware are generally housed in the main communications room.
In addition other technology and hardware will be housed in this central hub. These can include the following
• Audio Visual equipment such as satellite boxes, storage, music servers, and digital signage controllers
• CCTV recording equipment and screens
• BMS Controls
• Access Control
• Smart lighting controllers
The communications room also has to take into consideration present and future requirements. Furthermore the required power, cooling and security. However in smaller buildings the space might just be a wall mounted cabinet on the wall of an office.
Separate Sub Cabinets or Telecommunication Rooms
Generally when the building is over a large space or on several floors there will be more than one communication room space. Thus telecommunication rooms or satellite cabinets are created
The cabinet locations are designed to ensure that no data cabling runs exceed 90 metres. This is the standardised maximum length of any copper data cabling installation
Compared to the main communications room they don’t usually contain a lot of or any of the control technology and hardware. In this case they house additional data switches and the patch panels for the data cabling to that dedicated cabinet or room.
Likewise in many designs the main communications room will house the data cabling to that floor and maybe one or two others. Furthermore in a smaller installation they may only be one comms room that all the data cabling runs back to
As a result of creating these satellite cabinets they require connection back to the main comms room. This is done by backbone cabling.
Backbone Cabling
When the project requires more than one set of cabinets the design of backbone cabling becomes important. Generally these are fibre optic cabling installations but can at times be installed in copper
Structured cabling design is based around a star design. Thus each outlet has a data cable that runs directly back to the comms cabinet. Similarly the backbone design follows the same pattern
All the sub cabinets will have a direct link back to the main communications room. In some installations the sub cabinets will also have links between them to create additional resilience in case of broken or damaged cables.
The backbone cabling is generally fibre optic cabling due to its great bandwidth capability. In addition it is also able to carry multiple channel connections over a single cable. For example each of the following may require a separate connection between comms room and sub cabinet
Data Connection
VoIP phone systems
Access Control
Fibre optic cabling achieves this by installing a 16 core single cable to cover this. In contrast 7 individual copper cables would need to be installed to achieve the same connections. Furthermore the fibre optic will generally be oversized such as a 24 core to allow for future growth.
The type of termination points will depend on the location. Will they be floor boxes or grommets or mounted on the wall. In addition will waterproof or IP rated termination boxes be required for external or warehouse areas
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