Hei :)
Her er en liten video om en hyttetur jeg var på for et par måneder siden. Jeg håper at dere kommer til å like stemningen, og kan lære et par ord med videoen!
Here is a little video about a cabin trip I was on a couple months ago. I hope that you guys will like the mood, and that you can learn a couple words with the video!
What is my mother tongue? French
When did I move to Norway? In August 2020
When did I start learning Norwegian? In January 2019
Did I take Norwegian classes? No, I have never taken any classes, I learnt on my own, and I have a dedicated video where I explain how I did.
What do I do for a living? I have my own company; I am a Norwegian teacher and give private classes.
Where do I live? I lived in Trondheim for 3 years when I came to Norway, and I moved to Oslo last summer.
Why do I speak English so well since I'm French? I lived in Canada, Halifax for a year in a host family when I was 16, so that's where I learnt English. I also think I'm lucky that my brain is good at learning languages (even if I also work A LOT).
What do I miss about France? Not much, I feel home in Norway. But two things I really miss are good dessert, and good movie theaters.
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