Modern Fiber Optic Communication Systems Simulations with OCSim Software Modules

Опубликовано: 07 Декабрь 2016
на канале: CodeSScientific

CodeSScientific - Photonics

Product: Advanced Level OCSim Software Modules with Matlab for Design and Simulation of Modern Fiber Optic Communication Systems


OCSim (2014-15).a

Module 1 : Electromagnetic Waves
(a) Propagation of Rectangular Waves 
(b) Propagation of Cosine Waves
(c) Simulation of Standing Waves

Module 2 : Optical Fibers
(a) LP Modes in an Optical Fiber
(b) Dispersion in an Optical Fiber
(c) Optical Field Envelope / Total Field Propagation in an Optical Fiber

Module 3 : Lasers
(a) Carrier Density and Optical Power of Laser Diodes for DC Currents
(b) Carrier Density and Optical Power of Laser Diodes for Pulsed Currents

Module 4 : Modulation Schemes
(a) OOK Optical Transmitters
(b) PSK Optical Transmitters
(c) QPSK Optical Transmitters
(d) QPSK – Nyquist Optical Transmitters

Module 5 : Optical Receivers
(a) Shot Noise, Thermal Noise and Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Direct Detection Optical Receivers

Module 6 : Optical Amplifiers
(a) EDFA Gains in Optical Fibers using Nonlinear Coupled Differential Equations
(b) Raman Gains in Optical Fibers using Nonlinear Coupled Differential Equations

Module 7 : Fiber Optic Transmission System Design
(a) Intensity Modulated (IM) Fiber Optic Direct Detection Communication Systems

Module 8 : Performance Analysis
(a) Error Probability of OOK and PSK data for Optical Homodyne Receivers
(b) Error Probability of OOK, PSK and FSK data for Optical Heterodyne Receivers
(c) Error Probability of OOK, FSK and DPSK data for Optical Direct Detection Receivers

Module 9 : Channel Multiplexing Techniques
(a) Fiber Optic Linear and Nonlinear Direct Detection WDM Systems
(b) Single Polarization Linear and Nonlinear Coherent QAM-M OFDM Fiber Optic Communication Systems

Module 10 : Nonlinear Fiber Optics
(a) Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation using the Split-Step Fourier Scheme (SSFS)

Module 11 : Digital Signal Processing
(a) QPSK Fiber Optic Communication Systems with Laser Phase Noise Compensation through Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
(b) Multi-Span QPSK Fiber Optic Communication Systems with Chromatic Dispersion Compensation through Digital Signal Processing (DSP)

OCSim 2016.a (Add-on) - Released March 2016
MODULE 12 : Optical PAM-M Transmitters for High Bit Rate Fiber Optic Networks and Data Centres
DESCRIPTION: PAM – 4,8,16 Single Channel Optical Transmitters with an MZ Nonlinear PAM-M Modulator Generating Unequal Voltage Amplitude Levels

OCSim 2016.b (Add-on) - Released June 2016
MODULE 13 : Nonlinear Coherent QPSK Communication Systems
DESCRIPTION: Long Haul Nonlinear QPSK Fiber Optic Communication Systems with Chromatic Dispersion and SPM Compensations through Digital Signal Processing (DSP)

OCSim 2016.c (Add-on) - Released September 2016
MODULE 14 : Dual Polarization CO-OFDM Systems
DESCRIPTION: Dual Polarization QAM-M Coherent OFDM Fiber Optic Communication Systems


1. Fiber Optic SINGLE and DUAL Polarization Coherent OFDM Systems

2. Fiber Optic Nonlinear Coherent QPSK Communication Systems

3. Fiber Chromatic Dispersion and SPM Compensations through DSP in Fiber Optic Communication Systems

4. Laser Phase Noise Compensation through DSP in Fiber Optic Communication Systems

5. PAM – 4,8,16 Single Channel Optical Transmitters with an MZ Nonlinear PAM-M Modulator Generating Unequal Voltage Amplitude Levels

6. Fiber Optic Communication Systems with Analog and Digital Modulation Techniques: BPSK, QPSK, PM-QPSK or DM-QPSK, QAM and PAM-M

7. NRZ-OOK, NRZ-PSK, NRZ-QPSK, QPSK- nyquist and PAM-M Transmitters in Fiber Optic Communication Systems

8. Fiber Optic Direct Detection WDM Systems

9. Fiber Optic Intensity Modulated Direct Detection Systems

10. Nonlinear Pulse Propagation in Optical Fibers

11. Raman Gains in Optical Fibers using Nonlinear Coupled Differential Equations

12. EDFA Gains in Optical Fibers using Nonlinear Coupled Differential Equations

13. Carrier Density and Optical Power Simulations of Laser Diodes for DC and Pulsed Currents

14. Shot Noise, Thermal Noise and SNR of PIN and APD Receivers

15. Error Probability Calculations of OOK, PSK, FSK and DPSK data for Homodyne, Heterodyne and Direct Detection Receivers

16. Fiber Modes, Fiber Dispersion and Optical Field Envelope/Total Field Propagation for Various Time Step

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