Anarky's Monologue on Criticizing Modernization and Batman

Опубликовано: 07 Ноябрь 2013
на канале: Bruce Huang

Anarky planted 3 bombs at three of the most corrupt places throughout Gotham City. I agree with Batman that it's too extreme and can kill lots of innocent people. However, if one no longer sees people as people, that person doesn't give a damn to the lost of lives. it reminds me of Zsasz in Arkham Asylum, who see people that are following their daily routine as zombies:
   • Patient Interview: Zsasz  

I have to say Anarky has a unique view on modernization- how, nowadays, people are force to get more and more busy, indifferent and aggressive... He also criticizes how the media use propaganda to brainwash people; and the government is owned by the wealth. There's some of his quotes:

"We look the other way when things turn sour. Bury ourselves in our jobs. Consume propaganda masquerading as entertainment..."

"And what becomes of a society that's given up? It rots."

"Fidelity. Once upon a time that's what defined society. People coming together in pursuit of common cause. To care for each other. To protect and provide... But now... It's all backwards. We worship at the alter of competition.We build fortresses around ourselves. We fight. We betray. We have become the things we feared."

He starts to share his view on Batman at 1:59
Batman's silence is so cool. He doesn't need to defend himself. If you don't want to lose a fight, don't get into one.